
How to Choose a Niche

How to Choose a Niche

Introduction Before you begin, have you read the article “What Is a Niche?” This helps to define what we mean by that word. It also helps us to determine whether people are spending money in that niche. Of course, I am assuming you want to be making money with your online business. In this first part of the training I’m going to dig into the topic, the concern, the issue of trying to choose a niche if you’re just getting…

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Do Real Market Research

Do Real Market Research

The Internet business is no different to the offline businesses we talked about in the last blogpost. There’s this idea that we can just jump online and in 24hrs we can have our business up and have all our answers. It’s just not true! It’s just as hard to start an online business as it is to start an offline business. Now, there may be lower barriers to entry.  It may be something you can do from home, instead of…

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Continuing Research

Continuing Research

Now, at this point you may be asking, why do I know if existing businesses are profitable?  You don’t. Not unless you’ve got a good friend in the business.  It’s the same thing as the pizza business.  If you walk in cold, to the pizza joint, and you ask to speak with the proprietor, and you say hey I’m thinking about opening up a pizza shop next door.  How many pies you selling on Friday night? He’s going to look…

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Times And Seasons

Times And Seasons

If you go into any bookstore on January 1st you’re going to find books, and books, and more books on weight loss, and eating healthy.  [Also anything physical such as dieting, especially with an exercise component really lends itself to a coaching program. People need to be nagged into doing what they really don’t want to do!] Why? Because on January 1st, people make New Year’s Resolutions to lose weight and eat healthy.  What do they buy for the next…

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Interested in Coaching? What is coaching?  Why would you consider coaching?  How do you know if coaching will work for your niche?  These are critical questions to ask if you want to increase profits in your business and increase the amount of money you make per customer. How Do You Know if Coaching Will Work? Before I tell you why you should consider adding a coaching program, I want you to understand that you can add coaching to your niche. …

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How To Get Great Ideas To Test Online

How To Get Great Ideas To Test Online

Affiliate Marketing. See if there are other people selling products in your niche already. For information products look at affiliate marketplaces such as Clickbank and JVZoo and see what products have the greatest sales volume. For other types of products go to Google. Enter your niche name + affiliate program . This will bring up any business that runs an affiliate program in your niche. This is another way to get ideas that you haven’t yet thought about. This is…

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Is Your Competitor Trying to Trick You?

Is Your Competitor Trying to Trick You?

For example, you might want to look at a particular web business.  Let’s just say, let’s go down another path here.  I want to see if this person’s websites are making money.  You log onto the website, boy, he’s running an awful lot of advertising, but he’s not getting a whole lot of web visitors.  What’s going on? What you don’t know, is that he runs his web advertising.  And he randomizes it and splits it up between 30 different…

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More Ways To Carry Out Research

More Ways To Carry Out Research

Okay, here are a few articles on how you can do that work online, now that you understand how important it is! How To Find an Online Business That Works Using Surveys to Find Niche Products to Create One of the lies online is how easy it is to build a new business.  People believe that.  They read sales letters and even watch late-night infomercials about how many new niches and new opportunities there are. That data is made up…

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Let’s look at the root issue here. The root issue is, we need people that have needs, and we need people who are willing to spend money.  The easiest way for us to look at this, in fact, is to through an offline example:  I want you to imagine that you’re thinking about opening up a restaurant in your town.  The first place that you would go to find out if maybe you needed a new restaurant in your town…

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Beginning Your Niche Research

Beginning Your Niche Research

THE SECRET EXPOSED!! Throw the money aside, forget about the money, find places online where people have needs, real needs.  Then work on filling those needs. As you’re filling those needs, you can then look for pockets of needs where people are willing to pay money.  THIS IS WHAT NICHE MARKETING IS ALL ABOUT – MEETING PEOPLES NEEDS. Because if people are willing to pay money, and there’s a lot of people that have that need, then you can make…

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Deciding Your Starting Point

Deciding Your Starting Point

Without further ado, let’s kind of dig into it. There are two different starting points when you choose a niche. Firstly, it’s because you already have an interest in something. You may be looking for a niche or a sub-niche, or an angle in your niche. You have an interest. But, you don’t know what part of the business might be profitable.  You don’t know in which part of the business people are looking for information.  One of the things…

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