Welcome to this website. It is focused on one of the 3 steps to having a successful online business. The first step is to guide you on how to choose a niche for your online business. Of course the first question to answer is What Is A Niche?
The initial training on How To Choose A Niche is to be found in the BLOG. The first set of posts break this topic down into easy to follow tasks. Just click on the menu link above. [On mobile go to the 3 lines and select from the dropdown menu].
There are only 3 Steps to having a successful online business. This link takes you to my sister website Adding To Wealth. If you have not already done so please use the 3 steps link to sign up to my email list. This will also take you to a review of the 3 Steps. Then I would strongly advise you get the Full Guide to the 3 Steps. This was originally $47, then I reduced it to $27 for the pandemic. Now it is FREE in support of the Great Resignation. Now is the time to re-evaluate our way of working and maybe take more personal responsibility for our income instead of trading time in servitude to incompetent management and greedy boards of directors!
It does take time to build a successful online business. But if you don’t start you won’t see the results of time freedom and increasing income. These are the hallmarks for people who become successful online.
[Here I am talking about an Information Marketing business. This involves providing digital products that are downloadable to a persons computer. Of course you can have a successful business providing physical products sold online. But that is e-commerce so is different in structure and different in the personal daily commitments needed to focus on the business].
I am sure that if you have been looking online for information on having an online business then you have probably come across several of the “gurus” already. This is a term we use to describe those men and women who have achieved great success in their online businesses. They demonstrate this by showing off their fancy homes, posh cars and exotic vacations. (Then they say “you can have this too if you just buy my expensive training program ect.).
Yes, I am sure they have achieved what they claim to have done. Their training program may well help to some degree in improving your own online success. BUT none of these programs are complete in themselves.
Also when you see those at the top of their game, do you really see yourself getting to those giddy heights? I know from people I talk with online that many people who try “this online thing” give up when they don’t see the same level of success.
Just remember, before the gurus reached their giddy heights of success, they started where you are now. This may even be the cliche “I started when I was living in the basement of my parent’s house. I struggled and failed many times until I found what worked”. At that time they begin to see more money coming in than going out. But they are not really known for being successful. Can you relate more to people in this position? Can you see yourself struggling, failing but learning? Gradually beginning to see success and building on that success?

This is where I am at the time of creating this website. Slightly differently, my “basement” is in fact a motor cruiser! See the About page where I have embedded a video giving my story so far. [It was a great feeling to be able to buy the cruiser outright back in 2018. I never had that kind of money before].
I have been at this online business for several years. But it has been difficult to focus due to the necessary tyranny of employment. One needs to eat while dreaming of a better life.
I am not yet at the top of my game but I am on the way. This is why I want to invite you along on my continuing journey. Whatever your starting point, keep going. Keep learning. DON’T TRY TO REINVENT THE WHEEL. The secrets to success are already known.
I will be upfront with you. I have found my success, not is selling my own products yet, but in being an affiliate for other people’s products and services. Some of the links here will be to vendor websites to give you further information.
One of the greatest services that I am promoting is WA. This is a membership community of many thousands of people doing what we are doing. Together there is mutual support, massive training and hosting of our WordPress websites. There is also a lot of discussion on choosing a niche. There is such a massive variety of niches being used my members of the WA community that it is easy to get some feedback on your own ideas for a niche or sub-niche. Just ask! The link takes you to a page on this website that gives you more information. 97% of people fail at this internet marketing thing. Why? Answer – They try to go it alone.
There is a common thread that I have found with all the “gurus”. They get together in Mastermind Groups and talk with one another all the time. Even they can learn from each other despite their own successes.
It is time consuming (an undesirable) to try to become an expert in everything. Focus on your core tasks and let others do the grunt work for you. I have made great use of Fiverr over the years.
There are now a wide range of experts on Fiverr. From the basic original level where gigs are under $10 to serious professionals giving you top of the range results. I have used them to create an animated logo for my boating website, a 20 minute video for my health website and a great number of graphics for ebooks, Amazon KDP, and website images.
If you need expert copywriting, email writing, explainer videos and a whole host of other services then you will find them on Fiverr.
Producing content is your number one priority. You cannot afford the time to spend days or weeks just on one part of your business. Get help without becoming an employer!